Sanitary Sensitization
About Us
Pad-Up Africa is a non-profit organisation established in 2017 born out of passion and a sense of responsibility toward curbing the deficits knowledge gap and skills set on good menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls and women in Africa.
Perturbed by UNESCO findings that one out of ten girls in sub-Sahara Africa misses school due to menstruation, Pad-Up Africa through sanitary sensitization has continued to device practical ways to change the narrative within the shortest possible time.
Our vision
We envisage an Africa where adolescent girls and women would not be segregated due to menstruation and an Africa where adolescent girls and women do not suffer the ills of poor sanitary health practice.
Our mission
We are poised to ensure that adolescent girls and women in Africa are exposed to the health hazards of unhealthy menstrual hygiene materials and practices. Also empower them through sanitary sensitization and donation of sanitary pads.
Current Goals

Walk for Pads 2.0 #1millionpadscampaign
Advocacy walk for awareness on good menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls and women in Africa.
Goal: N3,000,000
Raised: N1,500,000

Padup Africa Conference
Sensitization of unreached African females on good menstrual hygiene management.
Goal: N5,000,000
Raised: N1,000,000

Pads4Her Support Programme
Donating Pads and offering support to unreached females in developing communities.
Goal: N2,000,000
Raised: N1,500,000
Our Team
These people are not special by their skills alone, but they are truly special by their heart.
What People Think About Us

Padup is changing lives, and making a huge difference through its diverse and impactful programs and projects.

My life has been impacted through padup’s sensitization program. I am inspired and would like to make a huge difference too.
Secondary School student
Your Donation Can Change Lives
The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.
― Albert Schweitzer